Percy Jackson Fanfiction Wiki

This is a one-off created by The Storm Rider


It all began in the year 2042 with the gods Perseus Jackson and Dionysus (visiting for a Grand Master's Tournament Pinochle Game) playing pinochle with Chiron, Ganymede, and Atalanta. All of a sudden, marching over the hill, there is Logan Erecktor and his Pro-Olympian army of Demititans marching over the hill. Is there a war? Is there another prophecy to fight? We'll just wait and see.

False Ratings & Reviews[]

-The War Weekly: Stupid, featuring that annoying demigod who stabbed my ankle. -***** (-5 stars) [Guess who!]

-The SMART: Okay, but features a the son of a certain Lord of the Sea, Earthquakes, Equestrians, etc.

-The Children of Olympus: The best of the best and features Percy. ************ (many, many stars from Annabeth Chase.)

-Olympus Weekly: Meh. It was so-so. Sold a lot of copies through my shipping service. **** (good for business)


At the Fourth Seventh Olympian Pinocle Championship Playoffs, Percy, Chiron, Dionysus, Ganymede, and Atalanta the Hunter are playing against each other when Edwin di Angelo shadow travels in.

TBC The Storm Rider 04:34, September 25, 2011 (UTC)
