"Hello, brother. Have you seen Metis lately?" I asked Zeus, passing him in the hall. I hadn't seen our Titaness ally in

days, and with mother Rhea only able to visit weekly, and even then for only hours at a time, we were at a depressing loss for news.
"What? No. Why do you ask?" Zeus answered quickly.
I narrowed my eyes. "Is everything alright, brother?"
"Yes, everything's fine." he hurried ahead of me towards the throne room. I stepped in front of him. "Zeus," I said, forcing him to look into my eyes, "Do you know what happened to Metis?"
The unmistakable shadow of guilt crossed my youngest brother's face. "That is none of your business, Hestia." he walked past me and into the throne room, where the rest of our siblings were conversing. I followed. "I think it is! If she's-"
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the little fugitives!"
All conversation stopped. I turned my head toward the voice, and saw a girl who looked about our age with black hair and luminescent green eyes wearing flowing white robes, with swirling black designs. A condescending smile was set on her face.
"You know Kronos has everyone and their grandmother out looking for you. Literally. Even the novices, like us." she said. I was in too much shock to register she'd used the plural, 'us'. We all were.
We'd been caught. But certainly we could overcome one titaness, right?
When the girl realized we weren't going to respond, she rolled her eyes. "Relax. We're not really going to turn you in."
"You're not?" Zeus asked.
"No. On one condition."
"What is it?"
"We want to join you." The girl said, an exited glint in her eyes.
"And who is 'we', exactly?" I asked.
She looked confused for a moment, then noticed the empty air beside her. She sighed dramatically and stomped her foot. "Leto!"
"I'm sorry! I'm just nervous!" the air beside her shimmered to reveal a young girl in a smoke - grey chiton with silver etchings. She had flowing blond hair and silvery-yellow eyes, like the moon.
"This is my younger sister Leto, titaness of invisibility. She's a bit shy." The first girl said. Leto curtsied.
"And I," the girl continued, "Am Hecate, Titaness of Magic." rather than curtsy, Hecate raised her arms showilly, as if to say, "Look at me, aren't I amazing?"
"Why would you want to help us?" I asked.
Hecate's face darkened. "Kronos is a tyrant. He never gives any respect to anyone beside himself and his council. Perhaps you all," she waved her hand in our general direction, "will do better."
"Well, we do need more allies." Hera said.
"Alright. You're in."