Percy Jackson Fanfiction Wiki
Percy Jackson Fanfiction Wiki



"Best Extreme Comedy Story Award"
Hermes has given you the 2011 Best Comedy Story Award. Good Job!


"Best Evil Character Award"
Ares has given you the 2011 Best Evil Character Award. Excellent!


"Best Extreme Quote Award"
Apollo has given you the 2011 Best Extreme Quote Award. First class!


"Best Short Story Award"
Dionysus has given you the 2011 Best Short Story Award. Wonderful!


"Best Romance Story Award"
Aphrodite has given you the 2011 Best Romance Story Award. Cute!


"Best Extreme Artist Award"
Apollo has given you the 2011 Best Extreme Artist Award. First class!


"Best Extreme Scene Award"
Ares has given you the 2011 Best Extreme Scene Award. Excellent!


"Best Sad Moment Award"
Dionysus has given you the 2011 Best Sad Moment Award. Wonderful!


"Best Olympian Games Story Award"
Hephaestus has given you the 2011 Best Olympian Games Story Award. Brilliant!


"Best Extreme Story Award"
Zeus has given this story the 2011 Best Extreme Story Award. Fantastic!


"Best Collaboration Award"
Athena has given this collaboration the 2011 Best Collaboration Award. Great!


"Best Extreme User Award"
Zeus has given you the 2011 Best Extreme User Award. Fantastic!


"Best What If Award"
Poseidon has given you this What If series story the 2011 Best What If Award. Amazing!


"Best Extreme Comedy Moment Award"
Hermes has given you the 2011 Best Comedy Moment Award. Good Job!


"Best Book Cover Award"
Athena has given this collaboration the 2011 Best Collaboration Award. Great!


"Best Female Character Award"
Artemis has given you the 2011 Best Female Character Award. Magnificent!


"Best Male Character Award"
Poseidon has given this character the Best Male Character Award. Amazing!


"Best Couple Award"
Aphrodite has given you the 2011 Best Couple Award. Cute!


"Best Moment Award"
Artemis has given you the 2011 Moment Award. Magnificent!


"Best Dream Scene Award"
Hephaestus has given you the 2011 Best Dreme Scene Award. Brilliant!


  1. Best What If Award:
  2. Best Extreme Story Award:
  3. Best Character Award:
  4. Best Collaboration Award:
  5. Best Extreme User Award:
  6. Best Short Story Award:
  7. Best Romance Story Award:
  8. Best Extreme Artist Award:
  9. Best Extreme Scene Award:
  10. Best Sad Moment Award:
  11. Best Olympian Games Story Award:
  12. Best Moment Award:
  13. Best Extreme Quote Award:
  14. Best Evil Character Award:
  15. Best Chat User Award:
  16. Best Comedy Story Award:
  17. Best Comedy Moment Award:
  18. Best Book Cover Award:
  19. Best Female Character Award:
  20. Best Male Character Award:
  21. Best Couple Award:
  22. Best Dream Scene Award:


Best What If Award:[]

  1. Tears of Time
  2. Change of Plans
  3. Lost In The Land Without Rain
  4. A Dark Cloud Over The Future

Winner: Tears of Time by Storm wolf01

Best Extreme Story Award:[]

  1. The Jackson Legacy
  2. The Protogenoi Saga
  3. Fastest Hero Alive (Nolan Swift Series)
  4. The Crown of Kronos
  5. The Game of Life for a Demigod

Winner: The Jackson Legacy by Tsubasafan101

Best Character Award:[]

  1. Victoria Watts
  2. JJ Ronaldson
  3. Heart Flaire
  4. Peter Blofis

Winner: Peter Blofis

Best Collaboration Award:[]

  1. The Chiaroscuro
  2. The Questers
  3. The Heroes Organization
  4. The Avengers of the Earth

Winner: The Chiaroscuro

Best Extreme User Award:[]

  1. Storm wolf01
  2. Josh-Son Of Hyperion
  3. JJRawesome
  4. Kakki10
  5. SallyPerson
  6. MattShadow

Winner: Storm wolf01

Best Short Story Award:[]

  1. Fading Yesterday
  2. Xylia/Matt; Meeting With Fate
  3. The Girl in My Dreams
  4. New Beginnings
  5. I Am A Demigod

Winner: I Am A Demigod by ExtremeSSJ4

Best Romance Story Award:[]

  1. Nine Months
  2. Hold On
  3. Dreamer

Winner (s): Hold On and Nine Months

Best Extreme Artist Award:[]

  1. Tsubasafan101
  2. Dagostino
  3. Storm wolf01

Winner: Tsubasafan101

Best Extreme Scene Award:[]

  1. Destruction of Camp Half-Blood (Fear Itself)
  2. Fight between Zeus and Zach (The Protogenoi Saga)
  3. Luke and Allen escaping from Zombies outside Wal-Mart (Last Man Standing)

Winner: Luke and Allen escaping from Zombies outside Wal-Mart (Last Man Standing)

Best Sad Moment Award:[]

  1. Death of Annabeth Chase (Tears of Time)
  2. Death of Johnny Flaze and Luke's breakdown (The White Knights)
  3. Death of Kaylin Oberon (The Chiaroscuro)

Winner: Death of Annabeth Chase in Tears of Time by Storm wolf01

Best Olympian Games Story Award:[]

  1. Nolan's First Challange
  2. Sabre's First Challange
  3. Zarana's First Challange
  4. Josh's First Challange
  5. Luke's First Challenge
  6. Alex's First Challenge
  7. Aiden's First Challenge
  8. Kelsey's First Challenge

Winner (s): Zarana's First Challenge and Alex's First Challenge

Best Moment Award:[]

  1. The Revelation of Mr. Flamingo (The Jackson Legacy)
  2. Thalia and Nico defeating Kronos (A Dark Cloud Over the Future)

Winner: The Revelation of Mr. Flamingo in The Jackson Legacy

Best Extreme Quote Award:[]

  1. "We couldn't protect Johnny...but I am damn sure we can avenge him" -Luke
  2. "Die drunk on holy!" -JJ Ronaldson

Winner: Luke Vapor's quote

Best Evil Character Award:[]

  1. Althea Holli (The Running Man)
  2. The Olympians (The Protogenoi Saga)
  3. Drake Vapor (The White Knights)

Winner: Drake Vapor

Best Chat User Award:[]

  1. MattShadow
  2. Josh-Son of Hyperion
  3. Dagostino
  4. Hazelcats

Winner: Hazelcats

Best Comedy Story Award:[]

  1. Greek God High
  2. 50 Ways To Annoy Annabeth
  3. Fifteen Things I Must Not Do at Camp Half-Blood
  4. Olympian Facebook

Winner: Olympian Facebook by ExtremeSSJ4

Best Comedy Moment Award:[]

  1. Fien Facking is born (The Facking Chronicles)
  2. Mr. Flamingo is Leo (The Jackson Legacy)

Winner: Fien Facking is born in The Facking Chronicles

Best Book Cover Award:[]

  1. Nameless Finder
  2. Tears of Time
  3. The Clues of the Moon (Dago's Cover)

Winner: Nameless Finder by Tsubasafan101

Best Female Character Award:[]

  1. Global Zaire Dion
  2. Jean Owens
  3. Kari Kamiya
  4. Rachel Hughes

Winner: Global Zaire Dion

Best Male Character Award:[]

  1. Josh McLean
  2. Evan D'Agostino
  3. Nolan Swift
  4. Matt

Winner: Nolan Swift

Best Couple Award:[]

  1. Zachery Aerulius and Jade Romano
  2. Allen Arce and Mikaela Queens
  3. Hope Kevin Robson and Stella McLean

Winner: Allen Arce and Mikaela Queens

Best Dream Scene Award:[]

  1. Chapter 1 of The Protogenoi Saga
  2. Chapter 1 of Trip to Olympus

Winner: Chapter 1 of The Protogenoi Saga
