Percy Jackson Fanfiction Wiki

In the recent low activities of the wiki today, it's sad to see fanfictions drying out. But I'm just gonna cut to the chase because it would be hypocritical of me to say things like inactivity and lurking people. ANYWAYS, as my life as a big fan of the Percy Jackson series, (probably the only life I've had since middle school until now. Jk.) I have news. Maybe it's old but eh, news are news. Rick is making a new greek series called the Trials of Apollo.

I don't know about you guys but I am super excited about this. I've already got theories about this series and this series could possibly be a chance for our wiki to blossom again! It'll be published next year which is so near, I can already feel the book in my grasps. But next year for this wiki is a long time to wait until this place gets booming of fanfictions about Apollo's sexy hotness and whatnot, and people won't sit around just waiting for this new book to come out but hey.

There's still hope. Our old trolling Uncle Rick hasn't given up on the demigods. We shouldn't either.

(Btw, got a huge panic attack, literally cried in class and had dreams of Apollo b/c of this.)
